The 'D' Word…

For those of you not in the loop, I am now officially divorced.  The Road Trip post from back in February was a bit of a hint toward what has been going on with me, but since the paperwork had been filed with the court and was not yet final, I was a bit apprehensive about putting it out at that point.  Amanda is back in Kentucky, and has a job, apartment, etc.  We’re still friendly, so it’s not like either of us are asking for excessive sympathy with regards to the split.  However, at some point it becomes awkward around folks if things aren’t out in the open.  I’m putting this little bit out here on my blog and on the forums we’re both on just so folks will know.  I won’t get into reasons, etc, etc, because the bottom line is it didn’t work, we decided to end it, and are both moving on with our lives.  I canceled the web-hosting for, and forwarded that domain to the blog, so traffic there will get bounced until the domain registration expires at the end of June.  Thanks for understanding that comments for this post will be locked (assuming I can figure out how to do that), since anyone I really care to hear comments from already knows (to be brutally honest about it).

About Galaxieman