This page will just be a running linkset to videos I would like to upload and share. Youtube is okay for some stuff, but sometimes it’s just easier to host stuff yourself.
Amanda’s First Ride: Here’s a shot of Amanda’s first day on a bike, doing circles in the UD Arena parking lot
Snow Clearing: A bit of hooliganism behind the garage in Dayton
Onboard ramps (high) and (low): Here’s my first set of Onboard videos, it’s the same vid, with the low being for you dialup folks. The high res version is ~24 megs, but who cares. Eventually I’ll get the knack of ripping the files down so they’re reasonably sized yet have good visual quality, but like I said, this was my first attempt.
Thornton’s Gap: Following Ricky (Shultzboy from, I made a run from east to west on Hwy 211 toward Front Royal VA. Great section of road!
Sportbike Kickstand Spin: Ever want to know how those guys you’ve seen spinning their bikes around on the kickstand do it? Instructions here!
Maryland backroads suck… Ok, so I didn’t really have anything better to do on a 40-degree Sunday afternoon, and had spent a bunch of time Saturday figuring out how to get the camera to mount after the internal screw threads broke…
Arroyo Seco Track Weekend: I uploaded these on YouTube, but am working to get them to export correctly in Premiere Pro so I can hang them here. The current versions are the Windows Movie Maker hacks and look decent, but lose a lot of the quality in the raw video.
5 Dec Counter-clockwise
6 Dec Clockwise
6 Dec Last Session
Jim; Hi it’s Tim, the NSR guy from El Paso you met at the track yesterday. Can you post some of the photos and videos you took of our riding adventures. Sure would love to show some family members, like my 3 year old daughter, and the others that have long forgotten I used to be a somebody in the racing world.
P.S. Thank your buddy for helping me get my bike started. Ran perfectly after that. First time ever it ran perfectly.
Jim; Read your comments on the events portion of beginner bikers. Hope I didn’t mess up your day? I am riding that bike for the life of me with only 50+ hp. Got more in me, but I had to work today, and I’m not getting paid for riding anymore.
Thanks, and hope you had fun. I know I did. By the way that bike is street legal.
I’m working to get my WordPress installation to do photo galleries, and then I should have a bunch of the pictures up. You didn’t mess up my day by any stretch, I think I was actually faster after following the 2-stroke, since I could see the lines that worked to carry more corner speed. It was great riding with you!