Auto-X mea culpa…

I have been remiss in posting Auto-X photos from the last two events… so I’m doing it now to remedy that.  I am pre-dating the post so that it will show up for January 9th, the date of the actual event, but that’s so that things will show in chronological order and don’t get too confusing later on.  I will however be adding links to both the Dec Auto-X driver’s training event and the 9 Jan event (at SV Airport! ).

First up, the training event back in December: What’s wrong with thispicture?

(Hint: it has cylinders under the hood, and shouldn’t…)

Here Gene decides to show the newbies how to hold a wheel…

Overall, it was a very good event.  Much improvement was noted in new drivers after getting to drive each of the 3 subsections of the course with an instructor riding shotgun to point out either how to do something better, or how to not do it quite so wrong…

Oh yeah, forgot to mention where it was being held:

Fun times, even for peoples in station wagons:

(Don’t let the wagon thing fool you… that thing was pretty evil)

Complete gallery of shots from the day is up over at my Picasa Web Albums

Now, on to the much awaited return to the Sierra Vista Airport!  Being back at one of the best driving surfaces in AZ led to a couple of big-dog type purpose built cars coming out.

Yeah.  Cosworth powered 1965 Lotus.  This thing squashed even the shifter karts.  Evil, in a bright yellow rapper:

And unlike BDI where the mountains are a good ways off in the background, SV makes for some stunning photos:

Got to play with the circular polarizer my brother got me for Christmas, and got a bunch of good shots.  The polarizer can have the autofocus a bit soft when pulling panning shots, not sure why that was.  Still managed to get a bunch of good shots, and as usual, they’re available at my Picasa Albums.

About Galaxieman