Facebook official…

So, after my girlfriend Kelly came with me to the MI Ball back in June, we figured it was about time to make the relationship ‘facebook official’ and such.  We’ve been dating a while, but since the divorce is still pretty fresh and not everybody has figured out that I had become single, the online ‘transition’ has been lagging a bit.  She’s also a bit camera shy, which of course meant that I haven’t actually gotten many pictures of us until the recent weekend (more on that in a later post), but we did get pictures taken with the official photographer at the ball, and I’ve been waiting on those to come in scan them and post them.  So without further ado, here we are, all dressed up for the festivities:

Of course she went and got her hair done, and after her favorite little gay man got finished, it looked great:

The dating again thing is different after having been married for nearly 9 years, but things are going well, and that’s all one can really ask for.  As a bonus, our dogs all get along, which makes spending time together soooo much easier.  It only took a couple of beatings, but Resa has now accepted the boys and even plays well with Sequoia.

About Galaxieman