Mad, mad loot yo…

Christmas is about family.  Going to candlelight services, eating Christmas breakfast in your pajamas, leaving wrapping paper all over the living room floor, an just otherwise being a lazy bum on Christmas day: All kinda pointless  without family.  We stayed here in AZ for the holidays, but were able to link up with the families through the wonderment of this here intarwebz thingie.  Amanda’s mom has high-speed internet for the first time, and yesterday we finally got her brother to get a webcam set up there at the house.  Lots of ‘blurry  Jake’ (the nephew), who was amazed at the pictures on the screen and sounds coming out of the phone (sound didn’t go so well online…).  His giggle is infectious.  Mom and dad had the rest of the family there in NC, and it was really good to see everybody if only through the wonder of the webcam.  Otherwise a pretty typical Christmas here.  Big brown and big white trucks of happiness both showed up yesterday, so the paltry ‘ones we’re putting out and not hiding until Christmas morning’ presents from each other got some reinforcements under the tree.

Gracie was as usual, mostly uninterested in the random crap lying about:

Heidi on the other hand was curious as to what came out of the boxes, as opposed to what they were wrapped in (as is usually the case with the spaz-cat):

Of course it wouldn’t be a proper post-present-picture without lots of wrapping paper strewn about:

Also note the blanket on the floor… the tile was COLD this morning!

Kaiser took a little while to get comfortable after all the excitement (his back left leg has been bothering him in addition to his as-yet-undiagnosed hacking cough), but once he settled down, we were able to rack out for a couple hours until lunchtime.

Among the most interesting things that showed up under the tree:  Grandma sent all of the granddaughters a box covered in random trinkets from the jewelry and button drawers.  Stuff without matches, odd buttons, etc, etc.  She wrote in the little note that she had enough single earrings to keep a one-eared lady in style for a long time.  Thus, I have renamed it from a ‘button box’ to a Van-Gogh box:

The wierdest thing under (well technically next to, but you understand…) the tree was my new guitar stand.  Imagine a giant coke glass shape, inverted, with a big flare at the bottom.  I took the blanket off of over the wrapping paper, and was completely befuddled.  I should have taken a picture before I got all the wrapping paper and cellophane off the thing, because I had zero idea what it was.  It’s a 3-guitar stand, where they all sit in a triangle around the center pole.  Very cool indeed.  With that and my new music stand, my guitar corner in the spare bedroom is pretty well outfitted:

Nice to be able to interact with family, but cool loot doesn’t hurt anything!  Merry Christmas everybody!

About Galaxieman